I'm still here only the "Kids" are adults now!

The blog formerly known as "Gamer Parents...and our kids!"
"We are a family of Gamers who like to play all sorts of Games!
PC-Console-Handheld-Board-Card-Live Action and we love CosPlay! This blog is just for fun and tracking the things we are doing!"

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Space Invaders online!

Neave Games” has space Invaders and it’s free!
This game is so addicting it’s hilarious!
I found this site and showed our son, we were playing when Dad got home we showed him the great fun we had be having and now I keep finding my husband playing it!
Really go try it I dare Ya!

A Review of World of Warcraft by: Natsu♥

World of War craft or W.O.W for short is a fight to level game that you can play with your friends.
There are party groups of 5 but you can chat with anyone on your server.
There are also Battle Groups that can link a lot more people together in one chat group.
As you level from 1 to 60 you will discover many different things like Quests to do; some easy just delivering things, and some more difficult. You will also come across many different monsters in the game, Be careful some of the do what is called BAF (Bring a friend) and that can get you killed really quickly if your not careful!

Wow has two sides to pick from. The Alliance (The good side) and The Horde (The bad guys) and both sides have many different races and classes to pick from; I chose to make an Alliance Paladin Human.
The other classes are Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Warlock, Hunter, Druid, and Shaman.

As you level you will need to visit your “trainer” he or she will teach you new skills like new fight moves, or healing spells etc. and Once you hit level 40 you can train for a mount. A mount is a way to move around in the game faster than just walking. Mounts come in the form of a Horse, Battle Cat, and Mechanical chicken and more!

My Paladin girl is level 34 so I am close to getting my mount and I am excited about that not only that but my Mom and dad said that once I hit level 40 they will get me the new expansion “Burning Crusades” that is really exciting because when I get B.C I will be able to visit new lands, new monsters, and hit level 70 instead of 60. Also with B.C you get to make two new races for the Horde- Blood Elves and for the Alliance- The Draenei.

I played BC on the 10 day free trial download but I was not high enough level to go through the Dark portal.
Even so I made me a new toon just to see how she played and now I am even more excited about hitting level 40 so I can continue leveling her now that my free trial is over!

I know WOW costs real money monthly to play but I do chores to earn money to pay for my account and I ask for the WOW game cards at Holidays like My Birthday and Yule my Brother does the same thing and if we don’t earn our money or if we don’t keep good grades in school we don’t get to play.

I think World of Warcraft rocks!
It’s a great game to play with your entire family!
In our family this is how many play:

Dad- Alliance Rogue
Mom- Alliance- Warrior
Me- Alliance- Paladin
Brother- Alliance- Paladin
Cousin- Alliance- Rogue and Warlock
Cousin- Alliance- Hunter
Cousin- Alliance- Hunter
Uncle- Alliance- Mage and Paladin
Aunt- Alliance- Mage
Also my Aunt in Fla. is getting into Wow now too!

If you would like to read more about World of Warcraft visit
Thanks for reading my review!Natsu♥

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Father's Day Craft for the Kids!

Kids want to make something for their Gamer Dad’s this year?

Well here is an idea or two for you to try!

We decided to make Dad something for his cube at work.
A photo Cube and a Pen Holder made out of recycled Floppy Disk's!

What we needed:
(6) Six 3.5 floppy disks any color you want to use.
One sheet of cardstock any color you want to use.
Six photos that you are allowed to cut OR 6 copies of photos so you can cut them.
A hot glue gun
A pen

How we did it:
1st cut the cardstock to fit the floppy disk (in the area the label sticker would go).
2nd cut the photos you are using a bit smaller than the card stock.
3rd Glue OR double stick tape the photos to the card stock.
4th Glue or Double stick tape the cardstock to the floppy disk.
5th Lay one floppy face down and hot glue the sides of the cube on.
6th continue gluing the disks together until you have a cube.
(Make sure all your photos are facing out and the disks are all going the same direction)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Top 10 Cheesiest Classic Game Commercials

Visit Yahoo Games to see these top ten cheesiest commercials now
Some of them are really silly and bring back the first memories of gaming!