I'm still here only the "Kids" are adults now!

The blog formerly known as "Gamer Parents...and our kids!"
"We are a family of Gamers who like to play all sorts of Games!
PC-Console-Handheld-Board-Card-Live Action and we love CosPlay! This blog is just for fun and tracking the things we are doing!"

Sunday, November 21, 2010

One year on workers comp :/

Many personal things going on in my life at this time. I have been neglecting my blogs due to extreme pain and highly medicated status. 
Workmans comp year one:
Dr after Dr and as soon as they say surgery they are dropped from network.. On my 4th Dr now he does not do surgery but he a bigwig in the WC world so if he says surgery he will refer me out to spinal surgeon and WC will approve it. Until then they just keep tossing pills at me to control the pain :( 
I just want to get better and move on with my life already.

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