I'm going to set my goals for 2014 to be the following:
1. Get back to hooping atleast twice a week since my spinal fusions..prior to I did 4-6 hrs a day 4-5 days a week as it was my workout. Not as easy now that it hurts. It's a great way to tone up!
2. Taking on the guitar "Learn to play in 60 Days" with RockSmith. The kids will be doing this too!
3. 12 Months of Cosplay. Where I will attempt to complete each one by the end of the month.(Got any ideas for me to consider?)
4. Spend more time celebrating Me and stop putting myself last (The Mothers frame of mind)
5. Keep up with any social media sites, Gofundme or blogs I have or delete them. (I wont delete my fund page just need to be more interactive)
6. Get BOTH the kids to write some reviews or happenings here on our blog! (I know Natsu is currently working on one for Puzzle and Dragons phone app)
What are your 2014 Goals? Inspire me!
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