I'm still here only the "Kids" are adults now!

The blog formerly known as "Gamer Parents...and our kids!"
"We are a family of Gamers who like to play all sorts of Games!
PC-Console-Handheld-Board-Card-Live Action and we love CosPlay! This blog is just for fun and tracking the things we are doing!"

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Free Comic book day 2013!

That's right folks! It's that time of years again!!! Our first Fl FCBD was in full throttle today! We visited 4 different comic shops! Total fluke thing happened too! I walked in "The Comics club" in Brandon Fl and won the costume contest as Silk Spectre 1. So exciting! I got an action figure of SS as my reward for winning! like my very own cosplay mini me award! Everyone is pooped, my feet are completely dead, and there is a ton of loot to look through! Hope everyone had a FANtastic FCBD! and... May the 4th be with you! Nana~

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