I'm still here only the "Kids" are adults now!

The blog formerly known as "Gamer Parents...and our kids!"
"We are a family of Gamers who like to play all sorts of Games!
PC-Console-Handheld-Board-Card-Live Action and we love CosPlay! This blog is just for fun and tracking the things we are doing!"

Monday, March 24, 2014

March on by...

There may be some good things going on in March but for myself it holds too many memories.
Some of them use to be happy memories..The days of dreaming about what every woman wants...Her special day. A gathering of loved ones and friends with food and laughter. That day was promised to me and never came and it will never be mine. Once was enough and I'm not shy about voicing it..I will never marry again...
I lost my Father in March 2013 Today in fact. Even a year later I still have moments where I think to myself "I need to ask Dad about X" then it hits me I can't...That I didn't even get to see him before it was too late and he locked himself away.
March is full of sadness but I try to cover it with a smile. Just don't stand too close or you will see the cracks in my porcelain mask.
Nana~ Take a listen and feel my pain. R.I.P.

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