I'm still here only the "Kids" are adults now!

The blog formerly known as "Gamer Parents...and our kids!"
"We are a family of Gamers who like to play all sorts of Games!
PC-Console-Handheld-Board-Card-Live Action and we love CosPlay! This blog is just for fun and tracking the things we are doing!"

Monday, January 8, 2007


We are in the SCA
"The SCA is an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe. Our "Known World" consists of 19 kingdoms, with over 30,000 members residing in countries around the world. Members, dressed in clothing of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, attend events which may feature tournaments, arts exhibits, classes, workshops, dancing, feasts, and more. Our "royalty" hold courts at which they recognize and honor members for their contributions to the group."
and even though GulfWars isn'y until March (Spring Break) We need to start getting ready NOW! I have tons of Sewing to do and all the planing and packing as well.
School starts Jan. 16th the same day as Burning Crusades!
I have so much to do...I love the WAR!

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